Having completed the first semester of the year, the countdown begins for a new edition of the Tour of Costa Rica, the most important stage event of national cycling and in which the main teams of the country set their goals.

Within the calendar of road events for the second semester of the year published by the Costa Rican Cycling Federation, there is the Vuelta Sub 23 to be held from August 8 to 11 in Pérez Zeledón. Although there is no possibility of training for the Elite cyclists, it is an event of projection for the promises of Costa Rican cycling that seek to debut in the national tour or to reinforce the roster of some local team.

A month before the Tour of Costa Rica, FECOCI will organize the only event for Elite and Under 23 cyclists, which will have two days, November 16 and 17, in a venue yet to be defined. 

In view of the novelty, Costa Rican cycling will depend on particular organizations to gain competition rhythm and events such as Tour of Nicoya or Tour of San Carlos, as well as the famous “Pirates” races.

The communication of the national calendar for the second part of 2024 also confirmed that the National Masters Road Championship will be held from September 27 to 29 in Pérez Zeledón, date that was postponed, due to the Iberoamerican Marathon Championship on August 25. Also the new date of the Vuelta Infantil, which had been scheduled for July, but was postponed to October.

FECOCI 2024 Calendar – Second semester

– Tour of Sub 23 from August 8 to 11 – Pérez Zeledón

– Iberoamerican Marathon Championship – August 25

– National Masters Road Championship – September 27 to 29 – Perez Zeledon

– Tour Woman of Costa Rica – October 17 to 20 (Place to be defined).

– FECOCI Date – November 16 and 17 (Place to be defined).

 – Children’s National Championship – October 26 and 27.

 – Tour of Infantil – November 1 to 3.

 – International Tour of Costa Rica – December 13 to 22.

Source: Marisol Toro, at www.crciclismo.com