In a scenario of adrenaline and passion, one figure stands out among all: Mariana Pajón, a Colombian bicycle racer, the only one in the world to have three Olympic medals, the warrior of two wheels and a living legend of the sport.

An athlete who in addition to her Olympic medals in London 2012 where she achieved recognition as the first Colombian to win an Olympic gold medal in BMX in the history of her country, repeated her feat in Rio de Janeiro 2016 and silver medal in Tokyo 2020; consolidating her position as queen of BMX in the world.

She has been 18 times BMX World Champion (9 of them with medal and UCI rainbow shirt). To this, we can add her achievements in the BMX Supercross World Cup, where Mariana has won 3 bronzes, 5 silvers and 13 golds. An athlete who has made history in BMX, one of them was also in the Pan American Games in Chile 2023, reaching a milestone with the gold medal.  

Since her childhood, Mariana has been characterized by a restless energy and a determination that knew no limits. In the midst of her discipline and dedication to the sport, she discovered her passion: BMX. A cycling modality full of challenges, where every fall meant an opportunity to get up stronger, more determined.

“The bicycle became my refuge, my therapy, the vehicle that transformed my dreams into opportunities,” described Mariana Pajón.

In that journey of dreams and self-improvement, Mariana found a great ally: the Colombian brand GW: “All my memories undoubtedly lead me to ride a GW, it has accompanied me at every stage of my career,” added Mariana.

In the world of cycling, GW has managed to establish itself as a benchmark in the sport, not only for the quality of its products, but also for its commitment to development and support in promoting talent.

Jorge Villegas, marketing director of GW, comments on how the brand came to integrate Mariana Pajón into its team: “We focus on finding new talents to promote outstanding figures in the sport”. The passion of this brand has proven to be Mariana’s inspiration and partner on the track. 

Since her first Olympic Games in 2012, Mariana carried with her the emblem of GW, a brand that has believed in her dreams from the beginning. “I remember with emotion the moment I wore the first frame designed by GW to London 2012, representing not only a competition, but an indestructible alliance between this sport and the brand, between a dream and realization,” commented Mariana Pajón.

For GW, support for the athlete does not end at the finish line. As Jorge Villegas, the brand’s marketing director, explains: “As long as she continues to enjoy cycling, GW will undoubtedly continue to enjoy her in her BMX journey.

To transmit this message that goes beyond the competition “is to inspire improvement, confidence and passion in every pedal stroke, when this world champion achieves such significant achievements not only her individual success is celebrated but also the triumph of a country united by the sport and represented by a Colombian brand,” added Villegas. 

Three Olympic medals adorn her career, each one forged with sweat, tears and the constant support of GW. From London to Rio, from the first podium to the most recent in Tokyo 2020, Mariana has proven time and again that perseverance and passion can take her to the top of the world.

And now, Paris 2024 looms on the horizon, with its promise of new challenges and glories to be conquered. For Mariana, these Olympic Games are more than a competition; they are a legacy, an opportunity to inspire generations to come to pursue their dreams with courage and determination, hand in hand with her faithful partner, GW.

In the midst of excitement and expectation, Paris offers the perfect backdrop for this epic chapter in the history of Mariana Pajón. With its indoor track, equal for men and women, shows this new challenge for the athlete “for this year competing in Paris will make me feel at home, because besides being a part of my family, it reflects much that essence of French culture, a fusion of elegance and passion that resonates in every corner of the city, mentioned Mariana Pajón.

A place that becomes the perfect canvas for Mariana’s dreams. From her first World Championship in France in 1999 to the romantic moment of her marriage proposal in Paris by her current husband Vincent Pelluard, every corner of this city defines Mariana and her sport. Competing in Paris this year is not just a race, it is a homecoming, where every pedal stroke is imbued with love and accomplishment.

Beyond medals and podiums, Mariana Pajón is a symbol of determination, perseverance, belief in dreams. “Someday I want to be in the Olympic Games and win a medal, now I’m going for my fourth participation, the bike can take you very far,” concluded Mariana. 

As he prepares for his fourth Olympic Games, he carries with him the flag of his country, of his people, of all those who believe in the transformative power of sport and the triumph of the human spirit. And his GW bike, that armor of competition with which he will seek the next achievement.

Source: Revista Mundo Ciclístico