Everything is ready for Asunción, the capital of Paraguay, to also become the cycling capital of America, with the celebration of the Pan-American Track Cycling Championship, junior category, and BMX Freestyle, in the Park and Flatand modalities) , from May 7 to 14.

Considered by some to be the best velodrome on the continent, it will host the Pan American Track Championship for juniors from May 9 to 14 in 11 events: team speed, team pursuit, scratch, keirin, individual speed, omnium, individual pursuit, elimination, points race, madison and 500 meter time trial.

The Pan American BMX will take place on May 7. The seat will be the Paraguayan Olympic Committee. In addition to the modalities of BMX Freestyle Park and Flatland. All competitions will have male and female participation.

Of the two Freestyle disciplines, only Park is an Olympic sport and for many of the runners who compete it will be one more test to qualify for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

Present at the press conference were Amílcar Guillén, Office Manager of the National Sports Secretariat; Camilo Perez; President of the Paraguayan Olympic Committee; Mateo Zaldívar, President of the Paraguayan Cycling Federation, and Gustavo Matus, President of the COPACI BMX Freestyle Commission.

“Paraguay is using what it has to have quality international events and instead of one they think of doing three Pan Americans at the same time (350 cyclists from 16 countries). At COPACI we have never held two Pan American Games on the same day and with this event we have one in the morning and another in the afternoon.

“We are looking at a beautiful track, a velodrome and a skating rink, they are perfect to use. We saw many families interested in sports and that is very important thanks to these events” highlighted Matus.