The Costa Rican Cycling Federation (Fecoci) explained that by 2024 they will advance the start date of the 58th Cycling Tour, an event that will take place from December 13 to 22, local media highlighted today.

One of the reasons is that the final does not coincide with December 25, to achieve greater participation of foreign teams and riders, they allege.

After an in-depth analysis we have decided to bring it forward, in the last two editions it was very difficult to confirm the foreign teams. They tell us that Christmas time is for being with the family and that is why the Board of Directors must rethink this issue, said Óscar Ávila, president of Fecoci.

For example, this 2023 there were only four international teams: Movistar Best from Ecuador, Stichting Universe from the Netherlands, Real Estelí from Nicaragua and the Guatemalan National Team.

Thus, the Federation hopes that more international teams will participate in 2024, since with this event they would end the year, they emphasize.

Inaugurated last December 16, the winner of this 57th edition was the Colombian cyclist Juan Diego Alba, from the Ecuadorian Movistar Best PC team, who finished with a time of 25:45:49 and beat Kevin Rivera from 7C Economy Lacoinex, runner-up and best tico with a difference of 55 seconds, while Sergio Arias from Colono Bikestation Kölbi was third overall at +02:35.

“Very happy, I thought it was going to be a little calmer, I received multiple attacks in this last stage, in the end the mind plays a lot and that helped us,” said Alba after the victory.

It should be noted that for the first time the Vuelta Costa Rica trophy was awarded in its 57th edition, and for the second consecutive year the event was awarded to the Movistar Best PC.

Happiness as a Federation overflows us, we had a great return, a great commitment from all those involved in the event and it is the result of what we have been working on in these two periods, said Óscar Ávila, president of Fecoci.

Source: Agencia Prensa Latina and FECOCI